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5 recruitment tends to watch out for in 2023

Posted on 27 November 2022

'Trends' seems to be the buzzword floating around everywhere. Whether that’s in fashion, technology, or food. So, it comes as no surprise that it has its place within the recruitment industry. 


As we fast approach the end of 2022 (by the way, where did that go?!) and gear up for 2023, with it comes new resolutions, new outlooks, and, let’s not forget - new trends. 


So, as you plan for a successful 2023, let’s look at some of the recruitment trends to take into consideration. 


Five recruitment trends in 2023 


1.    Positive candidate experience


You would have heard the term – first impressions matter. Since the COVID pandemic, job interviews are no longer about whether you like the candidate. The tables have turned, and candidates are approaching interviews asking, “do I like this company?” 


So, while once upon a time, the candidate had to do the prep work to impress, companies now must do the leg work too; if they are to impress and attract top talent. 


Here’s a tip to help you stand out: Engage with candidates through DukeMed’s video messaging platform for a truly personalised experience. 

Making a first impression on orange background


2.    Hybrid work model and flexibility


Another post-pandemic trend that is on the rise and here to stay for a while is the remote and hybrid work model. Candidates are immediately filtering out companies that do not offer hybrid working during their job search. In fact, according to a report by Accenture, 83% of workers say a hybrid work model would be optimal.


On this note, the freelancing industry is on the rise. And it promises to expand over the coming years thanks to technology. 


So, if you don’t want to lose out on top talent, it’s high time you reconsider your organisational work model. 


Work from home sign on a yellow bacground

3.    Employer branding and core values


Employer branding is becoming one of the core reasons that can either make or break whether a candidate applies for the role or accepts the job offer. Candidates these days are placing more importance on company culture than the paycheck. They are happily walking away if the culture is not right for them. 


So, what is employer branding? Well, just like in brand marketing, you’re selling an experience - the same concept applies to employer branding. In this case, you’re trying to attract candidates by selling the employment experience through 


· Your goals and values


· Current employee reviews and experiences


· Corporate culture and benefits 


Simply put – what makes you different? 


You are your own brand written on a notebook

4.    Automated recruitment Technology and innovation 


As we get more tech-savvy and comfortable with technology (another post-pandemic change, might I add), we’ll see recruiters opting for recruitment automation tools to simplify repetitive, time-consuming tasks. 


To keep you ahead of the trend, here at DukeMed, we offer a few recruitment automation tools to make recruiting easy and breezy for you. Go ahead and check out our 


· Digital shortlisting talent dashboard


· Automated referencing system 


· Video messaging technology 

Automation and workflow diagram


5.    Engaging passive candidates


You may have watched several movies in which a headhunter poaches the perfect candidate whilst they’re in a job– well, that’s passive recruitment. 


In today’s day and age, platforms such as LinkedIn have made it easier to identify ideal candidates. Yes, they will be in a job and won’t be looking for something new, but according to research by LinkedIn, 60% of the workforce not looking for a new job is willing to discuss a new opportunity. 


On the other hand, you could put the world out in the office. A positive review from an existing employee is one of the best forms of recruitment marketing. 


So, why miss out on a talent pool waiting for an ideal candidate to approach you when you can be ahead of the game and approach them first? 


Set yourself up for recruitment success in 2023


You want to find the best medical device specialists for your company, to help your business thrive. But you want way more than a fancy CV. You want the right blend of talent, ability, and style. The right fit. And that’s where our insight and understanding come into play.


Set yourself up for recruitment success in 2023 -  connect with DukeMed today. 


Men whispering in each others' ears
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