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MedTech Search with a difference.

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DukeMed founder says it’s all about the personal touch

Richard Duke, founder of DukeMed, grew up in Northern Ireland, without knowing what his future held. But from the time he was halfway through his university degree course in Leeds, he knew he wanted to be a recruiter. Everything he did from then on was with recruiting in mind.

In the workforce, he hit the area of MedTech recruiting, and learnt fast on the job. Then Australia beckoned. Richard flew with his wife to Sydney, where he set up a medical device section for a growing local executive recruitment company, which served his interests well for many years.

That role provided Richard with the long-term ambition to start DukeMed.

But Richard had some sports and outdoor action to get out of his system first, among them Enduro mountain bike racing in France, Italy, New Zealand, and lastly, Chile.

That was followed later by a 70-day overland camping trip during Covid through outback Queensland, the 'Top End' and the Gulf.

Then it was time to set up DukeMed. Richard’s passion for MedTech recruitment and with his passion of mountain biking, fitness and outdoors, gave his life an important balance, combined with the joy of growing his family.

Of recruiting, Richard says, “Recruiting should be personal; it should be tailored and not just go through the motions in a transactional manner.”

And that’s just what you get with DukeMed. The personal touch – all the way.

Contact Richard


We stay ahead of the MedTech Search game,

so you can stay ahead of yours.

  • Expertise - commitment - high touch - service - DukeMed

    What makes us stand apart?

    In a sea of MedTech recruiting and search firms, DukeMed stands apart.

    Not just for our MedTech expertise, but for our integrity, focus, commitment, and our high touch service.

    So when you choose us, you’re choosing a MedTech recruiting and search company with qualities that resonate with you and personal service that is second to none.

  • Trust - integrity - results - DukeMed

    Unparalleled personal service

    We put you first – every time. And that means unparalleled personal service.

    Good old fashioned personal service that puts a smile on your face, because you know we value you.

    Everything we do tells you that.

  • Simple - process - experience - zoom - Skype - FaceTime - DukeMed

    Simplified processes

    We make the whole process simple – and transparent for you.

    We use technology in a smart, streamlined way, always with the aim of improving your experience with us.

    If you’re seeking a new role, you can upload your resume on our website, create your own account to receive job alerts, and schedule an exploratory call – by phone or Teams – with us through our online calendar.

  • feedback - communication - DukeMed

    ​Know where you stand

    If you become a candidate for one of our client’s specialist roles, you’ll always know where you stand.

    We make sure of that. It’s a hassle-free experience, too.

    And if you’re a client, know that we’ll move heaven and earth to find your perfect candidates, no matter how specialised your requirements.

    In fact, we help you secure hidden talent, way ahead of your competitors, and reduce your hiring time - all whilst keeping you in the loop with regular steering calls, transparent talent map updates and our digital shortlists.

    Nothing to get lost in translation.

Founder - DukeMed - Richard Duke - Recruiter - DukeMed

When you’re backed by our extraordinary level of MedTech recruiting expertise, the sky’s the limit

It takes a special company to keep you ahead of your game. It takes a dedicated MedTech recruiting company with expertise in spades, an extraordinary level of know-how, and in-depth knowledge of what you’re about.

And it takes a company that constantly keeps up with the latest MedTech improvements and innovations, the latest across medical devices, consumables and equipment and the latest trends in candidate talent acquisition.

It takes DukeMed, your go-to MedTech recruiter.

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Constant knowledge updates

We’re constantly updating our knowledge in MedTech, including those used in our core specialties:

  • implantable devices for Orthopaedic surgery, and

  • surgical and diagnostic devices for Ophthalmology surgery

  • and for medical equipment used for surgical imaging, operating room technologies, robotics, and minimally invasive surgery and therapies.

DukeMed. MedTech Search Expertise you can rely on.

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