MedTech recruiter DukeMed working at a desk

DukeMed: How we Deliver Efficiency Without Compromising on Quality

Posted on 31 July 2023

In today’s fast-paced world, who doesn’t want things done in an instant? We’re always seeking new tools, strategies, and services to make things quicker and easier. The same applies when you’re hiring for a new candidate. 

But here’s the thing – while instant results are great, you don’t want to lose out on quality - this is where DukeMed comes in. 

No matter the position, at DukeMed, we’ll find out exactly what makes you tick. We take the time to discover what’s under the bonnet that drives you forward when you put your pedal to your business metal. We get to work after having a thorough understanding of 

  • Your culture, 

  • The type of employees you seek, and

  • Your vision.

So, how do we deliver efficiency without compromising on quality? 

1.    Open and clear channels of communication

Two people communicating

To lay a solid foundation and find you the perfect match, we take the time to really get to know you, your business, and your goals. With open channels of communication, everyone is always on the same page - resulting in a great business relationship and desired outcomes. 


2.    Clever use of advanced technology

embracing technology

Using the latest technology, we simplify each stage of the recruitment process. So, whether it’s our rigorous pre-screening process or automated referencing system, we work together with you to efficiently deliver high-quality, suitable candidates. 

Here’s a quick look at the technology you can benefit from. 

Video messaging

Capture attention, cut through the noise, and increase engagement with video messaging. At DukeMed, we use ODRO Capture, an instant HD video messaging tool. We work with you to create personalised messages highlighting your culture, values and Employer Value Proposition ( EVP ) to engage your target candidates and drive them to take the desired actions. 


The talent Dashboard

Our co-branded ODRO driven talent dashboard is a sophisticated video interviewing software allowing you to review shortlisted candidate videos, resumes, salary info, notice period, references, and any other documents you may have requested. 

Think of it as a virtual resume. So, instead of bombarding your emails and desk with PDFs and paper CVs, you can access all the shortlisted candidates’ information in one place. The perks don’t stop here. You and your team can also interact with the candidates with likes, comments, call back, and interview requests, which notify us in real-time as you do!


Automated referencing

Are you fed up with waiting days and weeks to receive a reference? Not anymore! At DukeMed, we use Vitay’s automated, mobile-friendly reference-checking software - enabling us to request references within 60 seconds and receive feedback within 24 hours.


3.    Tailored solutions to suit your circumstances

targeted recruitment

​For easy-to-fill, everyday hires, your current contingent recruitment may work. However, when things get more challenging, whether it’s a difficult location, niche skillset, hard to fill or for senior, confidential, and indeed multiple hires’ or time-sensitive roles our Search Methodology solutions deliver quality results.

Through the robust search process and over two decades of industry expertise, we work closely with you to successfully fill a position in a timely manner without compromising on quality - so, you can hire the industry’s top talent available to you at this time in the market.

To learn more about this, visit our search services page. 


Hire efficiently without compromising on quality. 

quality is the best business plan on a wooden block
You don’t have to sacrifice quality candidates to save time and hire efficiently. With DukeMed, you can have the best of both worlds. 

So, book a free briefing session through Calendly to share what you’re looking for, and we’ll work together with you to tailor a hiring solution that meets your needs and delivers the desired outcomes. 

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