Recruiter at a desk with computer

Hire the best candidate: a guide to preparing and conducting an effective interview

Posted on 22 August 2022

Interviews have a reputation for generating stress. Whether that be for the interviewer or the candidate. It goes without saying that a lot of preparation is required from both parties. But, there are times when hiring managers overlook the importance of preparing. Such mistakes lead to hiring badly. In turn, costing organisations thousands in rehiring and retraining, including financial costs and labour hours. 


To help you avoid such scenarios, below are a few strategies for effective interviewing


5 tips for conducting an interview effectively


1.     Prepare your questions

No matter how many interviews you have conducted over the years, preparation is essential. After all, each position you recruit for is unique. As times change, so do the requirements of the role.

Begin by analysing your job spec and listing the key attributes required for the job. This will help you form the right questions to hire the right people. Next, you could run the list past team members and see if they have anything to add. Besides, they know the day-to-day workings better than anyone else in the organisation and will be working closes with the new recruit.

Question marks on a yellow background


2.     Create a stress-free environment

Interviews can make the most confident of people nervous. In turn, making it difficult for them to show their true personality. So, try to make the interview process and environment as comfortable as possible. You can do this by

·       welcoming the candidate with a smile,

·       offering them tea or coffee,

·       asking them how their journey was,

·       providing them with some information before the interview. Such as the best place to park and who to speak to upon arrival, and,

·       encouraging them and smiling as they answer questions.

On the other hand, post-COVID-19 virtual interviews have become more of a norm. If this is the case, you can

·       put your candidate at ease by sharing timelines, the structure the interview will follow, and the name of the interviewers,

·       provide guidance on the expected dress code,

·       be welcoming as if you were meeting in person,

·       engage with the candidate by asking general, personable questions to begin with,

·       ensure you are in a quiet, well-lit space that allows for ease of clear communication

Whilst this list can go on, the moral of the story is to carry out virtual interviews as professionally as you would if you were conducting them in person. On a final note, don’t forget to ensure the technology is functioning. There’s nothing worse than trying to begin an interview and the video conferencing technology isn’t working. So, to maximise candidate experience, line up the technology and do a few test runs.


Women meditating at a desk

3.     Listen carefully

It can often be the case that you have several interviews to conduct in one day, along with your daily tasks. Hence, you may find yourself rushing through interviews, which can result in not getting the answers you need to make the right decision.

There are a few things you can do to ensure you get the answers you need.

·       Allow yourself ample time to conduct the interview. Clear your schedule for the day if need be.

·       Give the candidate enough time to respond to each question.

·       Focus on both the candidates’ answers as well as their body language.

Most importantly, listen!

Lady listening to sounds in the form of letters to her ear

4.     Involve a team member

As the saying goes, two heads are better than one. Thus, seek counsel from other trusted colleagues by inviting them into the interview. You may include a fellow team member or someone from HR. Remember, you don’t want to involve too many people in the decision process. It will only confuse things.


An interview at a desk with three people

5.     Take notes

It’s hard to remember the various responses and stand-out attributes of each candidate when you are busy conducting multiple interviews. So, consider taking notes that you can refer to. One way to do this is to use an interview scoring sheet, which allows you to evaluate each candidate fairly and consistently. 

An orange notepad plus pen

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