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How to become a medical device sales rep

Posted on 22 November 2021

So, you’re considering a career as a medical sales rep, but where to start? Don’t worry you’re not alone. Many people thinking of transitioning into a medical device sales career often question, do I have the skills and experience companies are looking for?

Before we dive into the steps to set you on the right foot, I highly recommend you do some background research, get to know the industry, and answer the question – does this fit my career aspirations?

In the meantime, here are a few steps you can take to help you break into medical device sales.

Woman in a grey suit looking up thinking.


1.     Related education and experience

Transferrable skills within medical device sales are highly regarded. This doesn’t necessarily mean having a medical-related degree. You might be a marketing professional enticed by a sales role that allows you to do your job with minimal or no site visits. Nevertheless, having related industry experience and skills will set you apart from your competition. Most companies, when hiring, look for the following qualities:

Professional experience:

·       B2B sales

·       Experience from other medical-related industries

·       Consumer product sales experience

·       Clinical background, e.g. nursing/medical technician etc.


Skills and personality:

·       Ability to build and maintain relationships at all levels

·       Ability to excel in a competitive environment

·       Sales focused

·       Confident

·       Ability to multitask.

This is your time to shine and convince them why they need you.

Skills, Ability, Knowledge written in black and red marker on a white background.

2.     Start networking

Whether attending events or connecting on LinkedIn, networking is an essential part of professional growth and opportunity. After all, having the right professional contacts can substantially increase your chances of landing a job, no matter what your career background. As the saying goes, it’s not what you know. It’s who you know.

A lot of employers are now seeking candidates through professional networking sites such as LinkedIn. So, if you’re a little hesitant to meet people face-to-face, this is a great place to start. Still, feeling lost? Check out these seven steps to becoming a networking expert.

Wooden blocks on a white table with the words, who do you know?

3.     Get an insight into the industry

Whilst you might have been the pro within pharma, nursing or even marketing, hiring companies want to see your passion and dedication for medical devices, so don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk. Show that you can not only speak the industry lingo but have taken the time to gain industry experience through some field work experience and education of your own.

Gain some knowledge around the patient journey into an operating theatre if you can get access. Whilst due to the impacts of COVID, it may be tricky to get access to hospitals and operating theatres, there are plenty of online resources from which you can gain some learnings.

Look into online sales training courses and show that you are up to date with the latest health industry guidelines. Medicines Australia offers some great courses in this area.

360-degree insight written on a chalkboard.

4.     Prepare for your interview

If you get an opportunity to interview for a medical device role, ensure you

·       Thoroughly research the company.

·       Get an understanding of the devices you will be selling.

·       Understand the market and target audience.

·       Do your competitor research.

·       Highlight your past success and what you can bring to the table.

·       Go in with an action plan.

Preparing for a job interview with a reminder on a calendar and notes for research.

Now’s the time to act

If you’re eager to get your footing in the field of medical device sales, according to the 2021 medreps report, now is “a great time to be an active job seeker in medical sales. Competition is low, and recruiters are eager to see your resume.”

So, if you’re looking for the perfect opportunity, call DukeMed on +61279121168.

In the meantime, why not check out some of our current job openings; you never know one of these may be the one.


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