Looking for a new job is like that unknown adventure filled with the excitement of something new and the stress of preparation. But, in the rush of reaching the new destination, job seekers often forget to pause and take a moment to consider where their passions lie and what they truly want in this new chapter of their careers.
So, if you’re feeling weighed down by the anxiety of job searching, the following tips will help you breathe easier and guide you toward making a smarter career choice.
Five tips to help reduce job search anxiety
1. Take a moment to think
Depending on your circumstances, you might accept the first offer you get. That’s fine – as it may be the right choice for you at the time to do what you need to do to put food on the table and pay the bills. You can always find ways to grow within a role and consider your next steps.
If you do have the liberty to do so, try and take some time and carefully consider
· Your future goals.
· What’s important to you (money, flexibility).
· What kind of work ignites your spark.
2. Be positive
You may have heard the saying - you attract what you visualise. So, approach your job search process with positivity. By doing so, you’ll notice some of the anxiety related to job searching ease off, allowing you to make much clearer decisions that will benefit you and your career.
3. Have a plan of action
Creating a schedule for your job search routine and boundaries will help you feel more in control of your job search journey. Begin by having a clear plan in mind and clarifying what your career goals are. This way, you will have something to work towards and allow you to be more targeted in your approach towards job searching. In turn, you will feel less overwhelmed.
4. Celebrate the small wins
When you are job searching, it’s easy to focus on what isn’t happening than what is. For instance, you’re more likely to mull over a rejection email than you are on successfully sending an application. Instead, shift the narrative and focus on the win of the day. This might be because you send more applications today than yesterday.
5. Take a break
A car can’t run on an empty battery - Likewise, we can’t perform at our best when we’re exhausted. Let’s face it, job searching is taxing work, so before you burn out, take a break. Use this time to recoup by taking a walk, reading a book, listening to music, or meditating. After all, hiring managers will not consider a dull and stressed-out candidate as a potential employee.
Ask DukeMed for help with your job search
Remember, you are not alone. At DukeMed, we’re here for you. Our candidates rely on us to find medical device and equipment roles that fit their career goals.
At DukeMed, we streamline our services and offer a personal, caring service that goes way beyond the norm. So, if you’re on the hunt for a career opportunity that aligns with your goals, get in touch today! Call +61279121168 or please book using Calendly to avoid any phone tag and prioritise your enquiry Book a 15 min call