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Hiring for leadership

Posted on 03 September 2021

So, you’re hiring for a leadership position. But what to look for? Whilst hiring for any role within an organisation can be stressful, hiring for leadership positions comes with its painstaking challenges. After all, you need the best leaders to lead the business to success.However, according to Gallup, ‘companies fail to choose the candidate with the right talent for the job 82% of the time.’

Below are a few tips you can implement to avoid the costly mistake of hiring the wrong talent and instead hire exceptional candidates to lead the way.

Seek a leader not a boss

Some may look at the terms boss and leader to be the same thing. But they couldn’t be further from the truth. Truth is a boss will make people do things and sometimes by misusing their power. A boss may not be the most approachable person or the best listener. A leader, on the other hand, guides, listens, adapts, and inspires all those around them.

Red and blue post-it notes clipped to a line with the words boss and leader.

Look beyond the obvious

When hiring for leadership, a common trap most hiring managers fall into is hiring candidates based on their performance and certain personality traits.

Hire people for what they can do, not what they have done

In Hire Leaders for What They Can Do, Not What They Have Done,” by Josh Bersin and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, an essential tip provided for hiring managers is to look beyond the past performance of a candidate. Whilst they may be good at ticking boxes and, what they do, they may not have the personality traits of an effective leader. Great leaders possess natural skills, such as emotional intelligence. Given the opportunity, those who may not tick every performance box, but have the personality and drive, can go on to becoming great leaders.

Introverts vs extroverts

I can’t be talking about leadership personalities without touching base on the hot topic of introverts vs extroverts – who make the best leaders. COVID-19 has brought a lot of fresh perspectives to several things. One of which is the acceptance and realisation of different personality traits in workplaces. A recent debate being which makes the better leader – introverts or extroverts?

If you don’t know what I mean by an introvert and extrovert, to sum up in a nutshell:

·       Introvert = Gain energy through solitude, remain calm in stressful situations, are quieter, and take time to reflect before acting. They rarely speak up in meetings and avoid being the centre of attention.

·       Extroverts: They thrive in highly social environments, love attention, are outspoken, impulsive with their decision making. They’re the team member that will always have something to say.

Whilst recent surveys and studies have reported that the business landscape favours extroverts over introverts, it’s vital to note that neither one personality type makes the better leader over the other. Hence, it’s important to look beyond certain personality traits when hiring for leadership and provide an equal opportunity to both. By doing so, you’ll find a certain balance within the boardroom.

The words introvert and extrovert on a red background.

Key personality traits to look for

You may be thinking, hold on a second, you just said don’t focus on a personality type? Correct. No matter how quiet or loud or, well-performed a candidate may be, only some possess genuine leadership qualities. So, before you go hiring the best performer or the one with the most ideas, consider the following attributes Hays suggests when hiring for leadership.

·       Does the candidate possess emotional intelligence?

·       Are they results-focused?

·       Can they inspire others?

·       Do they take accountability for their actions?

·       Are they professional?

·       Can they be influential?

·       Are they big picture thinkers?

Along with the above, true leaders possess excellent communication skills, adaptability to changes, and are comfortable with constructive feedback.

Leadership mind map of personalities written on a chalkboard.

What do your organisation and department need?

Before seeking the right candidate for a leadership role, it’s essential that you stop to consider what leadership means and what it looks like in your organisation. Take the time to carefully map out your organisational/departmental needs; then write up the skills your ideal candidate should possess. Don’t be afraid of this taking time or slowing down the recruitment process. Trust me! It will save you a lot of money and time by hiring the right candidate from the get-go; than hiring the wrong one and re-recruiting.

Notebook on a desk with the words vision and mission written in black and red.

Recruit with confidence

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At DukeMed, our candidates have been through a rigorous screening process to ensure they’re at the top of their game. In-depth interviews, networking, and careful reference checks are a given.

Get it right the first time. Recruit with DukeMed. Call: +61279121168 or email info@dukemed.com.au. We’ll do the hard work so you can focus on what’s important.


Note pad with the words, find a recruitment agency written. Recruitment agency circled in red.





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